Sunday, February 26, 2012

I stumbled on Mariska Karasz's work a while back and couldn't believe I had never heard of her before. Her work is incredible, especially for the time. I don't know of anyone else who was doing the kind of embroidery that she was in the 40s and 50s. (If anyone knows of anyone that I don't, please share!) The imagery is bold and colorful. Quirky and sometimes abstract. But it's timeless and beautiful. I would have no idea this work was from 40s and 50s if I were to just see it floating around the internet. Ah, so much inspiration!

Beth Hoeckel's beautiful collages. In love! I want all of these framed in my house.

Drew Mosley's tea spill and ink drawings/paintings are striking. I liked them even more when I realized they were tea spills, which I'm sure started as a happy accident.

Pretty little paintings by Isadora Fidler Stowe. I love the line work and color. Don't they make you want to go paint everything you see?

Be prepared to fall in love with this family and their adventure. Oh, the envy of The Goodwin Project.